The occasion was graced by the presence of all 18 elected Assembly Members and 8 of 9 newly appointed and sworn in Appointtees.
Other attendees included Heads of Departments, Units and staff of the Assembly, Heads of security agencies such as Immigration, Police, Fire Service and Customs.
The meeting which commenced at 10am was called to order by the Municipal Coordinating Director with a prayer by Rev. .
The highlight of the gathering was the election of the Presiding Member. the Head of the Electoral Commission enlightened the Assembly on the election process and highlighted relevant Acts from the Local Governance Act 2016 (Act 936) to support the procedure.
The only nominee for the position was Government Appointtee Hon. Castro Asumadu Addae. Subsequently, the members proceeded to cast their votes.
After the election, Hon Castro Asumadu secured 19 of 26 votes culminating 73% and the required 2/3 majority cementing victory in the elections.
Following his win, he was grateful to the House for electing him to lead them. He was of the view that, development of the Municipality was his sole aim and he called on the House to rally behind him to push the agenda. He was subsequently sworn in by Her Lordship Adelaide Owusuaa Asante.
The House continued its deliberations on various issues concerning local governance including the formation of sub-committees and discussions on the management of toilet facilities within the municipality and after short deliberations, the meeting was adjourned around noon, at approximately 12pm.
The Hon. Presiding Member was grateful to the House and entreated them to endeavor to attend all Assembly meetings when called upon.